Spreading joy and uplifting words to Honolulu, Hawaii.

Imagine strolling through the vibrant streets of Honolulu, with its bustling markets and serene beaches, as you secretly tuck away little notes of happiness. Each art + kindness project, carefully crafted with words of encouragement and positivity, is hidden in unexpected places - under a bench close to the ocean, somewhere at the busy streets, or tucked into the napkin holder at a cozy cafĂ©. 

These small acts of kindness aim to bring a smile to the face of anyone who stumbles upon them, spreading joy and a sense of connection in this beautiful Hawaiian paradise. As each note is discovered, it becomes a delightful surprise, a moment of unexpected happiness that brightens someone's day and reminds them of the kindness and goodwill that exist in the world.

If you have discovered one of our "Art + Kindness" pieces, 

we'd love to hear from you! Please reach out to us at:

