Pegging It Forward: Spreading Kindness One Clip at a Time

Here's a simple yet powerful way to spread joy and brighten someone's day: Share the Love with a Compliment Peg!

A kind word can have a profound impact on someone. Make a compliment peg and share your positive words with those around you. It's a fun and easy way to uplift a stranger and make them feel incredible!

Supplies used
(affiliate links for your convenience):


  1. Start by applying a layer of white paint to the peg as a primer. Allow it to dry completely. Since wood can absorb paint significantly, apply a second layer of white paint if needed, and let it dry thoroughly.
  2. Next, add color using the same method as step 1. Paint a layer, let it dry, and if necessary, apply a second coat. You can use a heat tool to speed up the drying process. 
  3. Once the paint is dry, use a black permanent marker (I chose the 1mm one) to write positive phrases on the peg. 
  4. Allow the marker to dry. Finally, apply a layer of Mod Podge to seal and protect your work.
For more ideas:
PinterestWord Rocks Project

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