Glitter Heart Rocks

These glitter stones are incredibly easy to make and most of all a cheap craft. Kids love to do it and this also turns out to be a very cute Valentine's Day idea to do with them.

But of course, it's also an idea that can be used 365 days a year as art abandonment.

Supplies used 
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1. First of all, the finer the glitter, the more beautiful and accurate the hearts you'll get. I used Martha Stewart set because I love the colors and the quality and I know it always delivers the result I like.

2. If you do not feel safe using glue directly on the rock, I suggest using a very soft pencil (4B or 6B) to trace the outline of the heart. With the pencil, it is easy to erase any error.

3. Use glue to fill the heart. As I'm used to doing it, I use whatever white glue I have on hand. But if you need a little more precision, I totally recommend Tombow glue that has a very thin tip for precise coverage. 

4. Then cover the glue with the glitter, patting the container so that the glitter falls more accurately.

5. If you need to clean off any glitter, use a small, thin brush for this.

Okay, beautiful crafters, you've just prepared a cool rock collection for Valentine's Day or any other day you want to spread love out there!

Happy crafting with a purpose!

For more ideas: 

Instagram Word Rocks Project 
Pinterest Word Rocks Project
Facebook Word Rocks Project
