Nora's week

Nora is one of the most beautiful babies I’ve ever seen. But for some very absurd misuse of life she was stillborn leaving behind many broken hearts and tears dropped. Even people who never knew her, like me.

During September, her beautiful mom Lindsey is performing an act of kindness everyday to honor Nora’s memory.

This week I feel very honored to be able to participate, placing a 'word rock' daily in the name of sweet Nora. Lindsey chose the words and we are doing it  simultaneously (here in California and there in Minnesota) leaving the ‘word rocks’ fondly somewhere for someone to find. 

If you want to know more about the story of Nora, her parents, grandparents, aunts and uncle visit Lindsey’s blog: Still born... and still breathing. Her words are pure poetry despite her grief.

Life has unexplained outcomes and only one thing can bring people together: the love we have for each other.

Nora, wherever you are, be happy.